pp108 : Independent Subprocess

Independent Subprocess

This topic describes an Independent Subprocess.

Independent Subprocess in a Transaction

An Independent Subprocess is a compound activity that is included within a process. It can be broken down into a finer level of detail through a set of sub activities. An Independent Subprocess is instantiated through a parent process. The activities of the Independent Subprocess are visible in the business process model diagram only when you click within the Independent Subprocess.

An independent subprocess can be designed as part of a transaction, in which case there can be three basic possible outcomes of the transaction:

  • Successful completion: The process continues in a sequence flow and the transaction is successfully executed.
  • Cancel: The activities within a transaction are rolled back and specific activities may be compensated.
  • Exception: The activity is disrupted without any rollback and the flow will continue from the error event.

    An Independent Subprocess within a transaction behaves differently than a normal subprocess. Each activity within a transaction subprocess is validated to check if all the participants of the transaction have successfully completed their activities, after which the flow moves to a higher-level process. Even if any one of the participants have not completed their activities it results in a Cancel or an Exception and then the flow moves on to an appropriate Intermediate Event.

Related tasks

Setting the Properties of an Independent Subprocess